
Senin, 23 Mei 2011

(gonna be) Busy Sunday

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Hi guys ! I just arrived at home now, since it's the day ! The announcement is out today. And I've seen the result, so good. Thanks for praying me guys. So,when I arrived at the office, there were so many students and they looked very well with their condition (?) Okay forget about this. So, It's confirmed that the next test will be on Sunday (this week), how come ?! Oh God, on May 29th there will be 3 events in one ! 

1.  My younger sister's 15th birthday
2.  Final exam at Violin Course
3.  Next test for this one -.-a

If myself could be divided into three persons, it'll be so helpful :'(

Forget about the sorrow, let's see the bright future !!!

Thank for reading, hope you enjoy, and see ya !


Sucay Markucay