
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Born This Way

I Love My Girls Blinkie

Hello all :)

Can't understand... What ?? What thing I don't understand ??


I can't understand, Why people keep saying "Cause you were born this way..." It's really unacceptable. I just think when people said "You were born this way", maybe they tried to kill your statement with the easiest one. But it's unacceptable. I keep thinking, so why I was born this way ? Why I wasn't born in that way ?

Well, after all obstacles I got, I already decided about this case

As for me 'I wasn't born this way nor that way'. I was born on my own way. My Own Way. Which there's no one can even copy it. I create my own way. I can walk in this way, or that way, or sometimes out of way. And then I create my own, I choose where I want to go. I can built my desire above the ocean, if I do really want to. 

People who said "Cause you were born this way" , it means they're going to kill your desires, stop hoping and stop dreaming. They want you just to accept what has been your fate. God already made our fate, but sometimes God gives us some choices. We can pick one choice between a hundred choices. If you want to be a successful person, then you should pick 'efforts' . It means, you must put all your efforts to pursue your dream become a successful person. But if you want to be a failure, you just need have nothing to do. Just go sit and don't do anything, keep waiting for a miracle, it won't be true. It's just a rubbish.

I hate it when I said "I'm a failure, I'm so poor" ,  then someone comes to me and said "Don't worry, you were born this way, you have to be patient to receive all these things" You know what ?? It's really irritating !! I can't wait for a miracle ! I have to get the miracle soon with all my efforts.

But then, when I already rich, I have everything, I'm famous. They will say "You were born this way, as a rich person, the real star" You're so fickle !!! So which one is my way huh ?? Being a poor one or the rich one ??

Stop saying God already created how your life will be or what your destiny at last will be. God has no mistake, God already decided about the choices. God always simplifies our life. No matter. God is always The Best. God allows us to change our future if we want. We indeed don't have to be worry. Cause we can create our own way. We don't have to be based on a theory, and just let it happen, we can make our own theory.

Remember, God always simplifies our life, we may make our future, and keep fighting to pursue your dreams. Don't just go sit and wait for a miracle, you have to make efforts !

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa apa yang pada diri mereka ” QS Ar-Ra'd : 11

Keep fighting !!!

Motivating Regards,

Suci McGregory binti Choi

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