
Sabtu, 25 September 2010

KIFF Tickets

I Love My Girls Blinkie 

I want to share about something to you all guys, It's kinda disappointing, hope you'll enjoy this *crying badly behind minho's back*
Well, I have sent a mail to arirang, and it got accepted by them, but unfortunately when I was searching for my name in the list absolutely I couldn't find my own name, My friends got accepted by them and got a free ticket, but well yeah you know it is Indonesia, I mean maybe we also could get a ticket although we should pay for it, I do really disappoint about this, knowing that I can't get the free tickets, made me fluster and kinda frustrated. I live in Jakarta and really close to SENAYAN, but I can't get the ticket huhu sad.gif But then I also heard from one of reliable sources in Indonesia that It haven't been confirming by SM Entertainment yet. I hope they could really visit Indonesia, however their Indonesian Fans have been waiting since a long time ago for their coming, poor me, I can't go there sad.gif For those people who got the free tickets congratulation !!!!!!!!!! What you've been waiting for, now appears on your real life ! Congrats !! Enjoy them guys !!!

edit : I also heard that KIFF will broadcast on Arirang TV and TVRI (Indonesian Nation's TV) although not live, but I hope it'll be enjoyable for you who couldn't get the ticket same as me sad.gif


Suci Choi

Minggu, 19 September 2010

The Soulmate Myth

I Love My Girls Blinkie 

According to Greek Mythology, God created souls that were androgynous, that is, they were neither male nor female, but beings that had both male and female attributes in one body, which consisted of four legs, four arms and a head with two faces.
These beings started to provoke the gods and Zeus decided to split them in two halves, diminishing their strength.  Since then, each being, now walking on two legs each, lives in a desperate search for its other half in order to become complete again.

:) Etdaaah...kesambet apaan coba gue ?? ckckck tapi jujur gue cuman terkesima aja ama filosofi yang satu ini :) 
Gue sendiri sih gak percaya :) *nyengir segede gajah* yaah...Wallahu Alam :)

Sekian postingan gue yang makiiiiiiin gak penting, Hope you enjoy this ! Barangkali postingan gue kali ini bisa jadi referensi lo :) atau barangkali lo mau nembak gitu :) pake aja nih wkwkwkwk


Suci Choi

cr: thais

Pink ! Pink ! Pink !

I Love My Girls Blinkie

Halo !! Hari ini gue mau nge-share lagi soal sesuatu yang gak kalah gak pentingnya ama postingan yang kemaren :)

 Jadi gini nih, semalem gue ama keluarga gue ke Plaza Depok, itung-itung nostalgia masa kecil gue yang ampun noraknya X3


Sedikit flashback nih yeee, pan waktu aye masih kecil, mall di Depok tuh cuman ada Plaza Depok ama Mall Depok, nah jadi aye ama keluarga aye seringan ke Plaza Depok. Udah gitu di Plaza Depok tuh ada kayak aer mancur gitu, nah namanya juga anak kecil norak dan hina seperti saya X3

Gue ama adek gue yang cewek maen di aer mancur, duduk di tepiannya sambil kaki masuk ke kolamnya... Idih noraaaaak banget ! Gue jadi malu X3 *ngabur ke pelukan minho ;)* Gue udah berasa kayak lagi treatment yakk ? -_-

---end of flashback---

Back to present to present time, jadi pas gitu kan. Rencananya adek gue mau beli tas, tapi ujung-ujungnya gue yang beli tas :)))))))) *nyengir segede gajah* Tapi bukan tas biasa *cielah* ini tas ajaib !  tas laptop gitu deh :) Berhubung tas laptop gue yang lama udah rada uceeel :( *boong ding* sebetulnya karena gue suka aja ama tas laptop yang satu ini! Kawaii banget ! Mengingatkan gue dengan mukenya bang Chinen :)

And you know what ?? warnanya PINK !!! Secara itu warna kesukaan gue :))) arghhh....

Tuh liat sendiri tuuuh...*nunjuk-nunjuk tas laptop* imut banget kaaaan :3 bener-bener deh arghh... Udah gitu bahannya bagus, keres dan gak lenje, jadi kuat :) Motifnya pun bikin jatuh cinta kaaan ?? 
*readers : nggak koook*
*author : yaaaah* ... *gue bacok nih !!!* wkwkwk

Yah beginilah saya :) Sangat cinta pink :) Sekian postingan belel saya hari ini :) Hope you enjoy :)


Suci Choi :)

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Introducing My Faulet and Myself

I Love My Girls Blinkie

Hi Faulet !!

This blog's name is Faulet, it's one of my CB, my first CB is Tosh, second CB is JC, and the third CB is Faulet. I just realized that its name is the coolest one.

Jadi FB (Faulet's Buddies) harap manggil blog saya Faulet ya :) Faulet itu singkatan dari Faithful Listener yang artinya Pendengar setia lolz, semua CB gue pake singkatan gitu :) ga penting -_- . JC singkatan dari Jinjja Chingu yang artinya True Friend *makin ga penting* -_- .

FB kan sekarang udah kenal ma Faulet, sekarang giliran owner nya yg kenalan :) *suit2 kenalan nih ye* . Kaya yang ada di propil aye. Nama aye Suci, 15 taon, sekolah di SMAN 38 Jakarta *freshman looh \(^o^)/ * :makin gapenting: . Nah, sebetulnnya dulu gue udah punya blog namanya 1 scoop apa gitu. Tapi gue lupa passwordnya *pikun* , dan karena ini merupakan urgent necessary makanya gue bikin blog baru. Sekedar memuaskan passion saya terhadap nulis-menulis.

Dan enjoy aje ye, mantengin blog aye, kadang emang aye orangnye rede jeyes *maksa* i mean *cielah bahasa inggris* rada jayus, tapi keep visiting ya :) *puppyeyes* . Gak bakalan nyesel deh, ehem~ tapi jangan lupa ngasih komen atau sekedar feedback ya, baik tentang blog gue yang bobrok tapi kece ini *hoeek* maupun postingan saya yang pastinnya selalu up to date ;) . Enjoy  !


Suci Choi *bokis*
(Owner of Sugar Clump.blogspot)