
Sabtu, 03 November 2012

The "Brightening Impact" of Happiness

Hello~ Come back to me again right now :) Well as time goes by, I got some improvements in myself I think. Yeeaah, I lost my weight for about 1 kg -_-" Usually I'm on 47 kg, but now I'm 46 kg. It's not because I'm having diet or so on, I got sick!!! Very very poor ill. I loose my passion to eat :'(

Actually, now I want to share about my favorit spot in my room <3 It's pink and it's so lovely. My Dad bought me this box, and I couldn't say "No" for this! Really really cute, and I personally think it must be very useful in forward. You know that I have a lot of stuffs to be stored. But I have less boxes for them. So I asked my Dad to buy it for me. My Dad also ordered me to buy the blue one for my younger sister. But until now. it doesn't seem really work out with her. She doesn't really like to store her stuffs well LOL~ So I used her's to be my magazines' box >o<

Well, in fact I have many lovely stuffs in my room, but this one really attracts my sight. I bought it at ACE Hardware, you might find this kind of box ;) There are Princess Printable, simple printable, but I couldn't find the Hello! Kitty printable, so I decided to buy the simple printable :)

In it, I used to keep my valuable stuffs... Such as presents from my family, birthday presents from my best friends, some skin cares, some accesories, and presents from my boyfriend <3 I really love to care about my stuffs, so it's really enjoy for me to care about something, include my family, people whom I loved, and myself too~

Whenever I open the box, it feels like "Woaah, I find a hidden treasure" LOL~

Let's move into another topic! It's about my break fasting together with OSIS 38 in last Ramadhan. I, as the Chief of the committee, really really happy to see that the event was Alhamdulillah successful enough...

The break fasting event gather about 4 generations of OSIS 38 <3 It made me so happy and so grateful toward all the mercies that I've got :') Especially when I gathered with my generation, it felt so much happy and happy and happy LOL~

Okay then, seems like it enough for today :') Really proud of you anyway guys, you guys make my day! Hope or friendship will last forever, and stay rockin' !!!