
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Quotes for Today and The Future [from Movies]

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it."
- Rafiki, from The Lion King

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."
- Dumbledore, from Harry Potter

“Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are”
- Mac Macguff, from Juno

He's the cheese to my macaroni
- Juno, from Juno

I do it because i can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't
- Unknown

"Some people can't believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first."
- Good Will Hunting

Smiling is my favorite. you make me smile. that makes you my favorite
- Elf

Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love. But that doesn't mean you love them any less. Sometimes, it even makes you love them more.
- The last song

Willy Wonka : "Everything in this room is eatable. yes, i am eatable but that, children is called cannibelism and is frowned upon in most societies"
- charlie and the chocolate factory

Sometimes it's easier to be mad at the people you trust because you know that they'll always love you no matter what you say.
- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

We walk away from our dreams afraid we may fail, or worse yet, afraid we may succeed.
- Sean Connery in Finding Forrester

Spongebob: "What do you usually do when i'm gone?" Patrick: "Wait for you to come back."
- The Spongebob Squarepants

All little girls are princesses, didn't your daddy ever tell you that?
- A Little Princess

Ohana means means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.
- Lilo and Stitch movie

No, you know the real reason why you're scared? It's cause you wanna be with me too.
- A Walk To Remember

Sometimes the simplest idea can make the biggest difference.
- Pay It Forward

"The ones that love us, never really leave us".
- Sirius Black/ Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Raket Nyamuk (•͡˘˛˘ •͡ ¨)

Pastinya temen temen tau dong soal Raket Nyamuk ;) Yapp raket nyamuk ituu alat elektronik yang fungsinya untuk membunuh nyamuk-nyamuk bandel di rumah kita, kadang kadang juga bisa ngeledakin lalat sih kalo lagi beruntung :P

Okeeh alat ini bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu alat favorit gue pas malem malem di kamar. Kadang kalo buka pintu kamar, ada aja nyamuk yang masuk -_- Padahal AC udah idup dan dingin, niat banget tuh kayaknya nyamuk.

Pokoknya ada kayak semacem perasaan "kewl" pas bisa nangkep nyamuk atu dah :)) Apalagi sekarang ini, gue juga lagi belajar buat nangkep nyamuk pake 2 tangan ;) Kerrrrreeeen kaaaan???

Yahh pokoknya gitu deh, raket nyamuk bener-bener ngebantu untuk menyelamatkan hidup kita semua dari serangan para nyamuk ;) Semoga aja raket nyamuk gue bisa langgeng #eh maksudnya bisa tahan lamaaaa

Hal-hal yang gue sukai dari sebuah raket nyamuk :
- Bisa meledakkan nyamuk dengan raket nyamuk itu berasa oke banget deh, udah kayak super hero aja. Serasa jadi samurai :))
- Pake raket nyamuk itu lebih aman daripada pake oobat nyamuk semprot, yang kumannya bisa nempel di bantal selama berhari-hari #eh *korban iklan*
- Lagian raket nyamuk juga rechargeable, jadi nggak perlu repot repot beli batere ke warung pas tiba tiba drop, tinggal colok, and voila!
- Kalo di tempat yang dominan item-item, biasanya nyamuk sering bersarang gitu di deketnya, jadi kalo liat segerombolan nyamuk, langsung tancap, and "pletaaarrr pleetarrr pletarrrrrr"

Gue sampe sekarang masih nyari di wikipedia, siapa sih sebetulnya penemu raket nyamuk, pasti great banget yahh :)